How to create time freedom, location freedom and financial freedom online

How to create time freedom, location freedom and financial freedom online

You're invited by...

Monica Painter Clark

In this masterclass, you will learn the three fundamental pillars to creating your dream freedom business and lifestyle online

You're invited by...

Monica Painter Clark

In this masterclass, you will learn the three fundamental pillars to creating your dream freedom business and lifestyle online

The Power Of A
Personal Brand

  • To create a personal brand online and get paid to be yourself, leveraging attraction marketing
  • To be yourself and share your voice and message with the world
  • A personal brand belongs to you and how it will grow and change as you do
  • You can turn any passion of yours into a wildly successful business
  • We teach you how to be a creator - you just have to have a dream and a desire

High Ticket
Affiliate Marketing

  • To work smarter rather than harder by earning higher commissions per sale, as well as finding a product that is both good for you, your bank account and the planet
  • To stop trading your time for money
  • To look more deeply at what you are doing now to see if it is going to give you the life you really want
  • To formulate a plan to get you to where you want to be!

Automation and Education

  • If you don’t have automation, you don’t have your time
  • To maximise processes and systems that have been done for you to create time freedom so you can live your life​
  • Automation is a life changing word. It’s the game changer! You can make your business work for you
  • You get to be an expert just in yourself whilst we do the heavy lifting

So many people have time but they don't have the money to
enjoy the time they have.
Or- maybe they have the money and yet no time to enjoy it.
We support people to have both

The Power Of A
Personal Brand

  • To create a personal brand online and get paid to be yourself, leveraging attraction marketing
  • To be yourself and share your voice and message with the world
  • A personal brand belongs to you and how it will grow and change as you do
  • You can turn any passion of yours into a wildly successful business
  • We teach you how to be a creator - you just have to have a dream and a desire

High Ticket
Affiliate Marketing

  • To work smarter rather than harder by earning higher commissions per sale, as well as finding a product that is both good for you, your bank account and the planet
  • To stop trading your time for money
  • To look more deeply at what you are doing now to see if it is going to give you the life you really want
  • To formulate a plan to get you to where you want to be!

Automation and Education

  • If you don’t have automation, you don’t have your time
  • To maximise processes and systems that have been done for you to create time freedom so you can live your life​
  • Automation is a life changing word. It’s the game changer! You can make your business work for you
  • You get to be an expert just in yourself whilst we do the heavy lifting

So many people have time but they don't have the money to enjoy the time they have.
Or- maybe they have the money and
yet no time to enjoy it.
We support people to have both


Heather was working as a structural engineer in Corporate America when she quickly realised that she wasn’t living her best life.

As a full-time mom, Heather has since been able to retire her husband after just 1.5 years and they are currently living in Costa Rica with their son, a new baby on the way and are building a sustainable homestead together - creating the life they have always dreamed of.


Brooke is a truth teller and loves to empower women and mothers to step more fully into their voices and their pleasure.

After a 9 year "motherhood slumber," she built a successful online business having ZERO tech skills and unschooling her 2 children, she now teaches and empowers others to create what they truly desire in their lives.

Louise Milleman

Louise is an earth-loving, tree-hugging, un-schooling, freedom-fighting, world-travelling citizen of the entire world who went from being a full-time digital nomad, travelling this big beautiful globe with her family for the last 5 years, to building an off grid, permaculture paradise homestead with her husband and her 2 little girls.

Sam Tyers

Sam was a burnt out full time mama trading time for money and although living in tropical paradise, had little time together with her family and didn't have the finances to live a life of choices with the location free life they loved.
3 years on from finding this business vehicle, they are living in Costa Rica, both entrepreneurs running their business from the middle of the jungle!

Kristenne Zuzek

Kristenne went from being a struggling single mom focused on where the next dollar would come from, to a wildly empowered woman making big, bold moves for herself and her family!
She shares it’s not only the money that is supportive but also what the education and community has taught her about embodying her power as a Divine Feminine Creator.

Tangee Zenryka & Vivi Angélica

Tangee Zenryka was a life coach during the day while bartending at night. She was wearing all the hats as a single homeschooling mama and struggling to pay the bills.
Vivi Angélica was barely making enough money as a bartender to get by and was just surviving rather than thriving.
After seeing a masterclass similar to this one, both were excited about the concept of an online business that focused on high ticket offers, being paid to be themselves and automation.

Louise Milleman

Louise is an earth-loving, tree-hugging, un-schooling, freedom-fighting, world-travelling citizen of the entire world who went from being a full-time digital nomad, travelling this big beautiful globe with her family for the last 5 years, to building an off grid, permaculture paradise homestead with her husband and her 2 little girls.

Sam Tyers

Sam was a burnt out full time mama trading time for money and although living in tropical paradise, had little time together with her family and didn't have the finances to live a life of choices with the location free life they loved.
3 years on from finding this business vehicle, they are living in Costa Rica, both entrepreneurs running their business from the middle of the jungle!

Kristenne Zuzek

Kristenne went from being a struggling single mom focused on where the next dollar would come from, to a wildly empowered woman making big, bold moves for herself and her family!
She shares it’s not only the money that is supportive but also what the education and community has taught her about embodying her power as a Divine Feminine Creator.

Tangee Zenryka & Vivi Angélica

Tangee Zenryka was a life coach during the day while bartending at night. She was wearing all the hats as a single homeschooling mama and struggling to pay the bills.
Vivi Angélica was barely making enough money as a bartender to get by and was just surviving rather than thriving.
After seeing a masterclass similar to this one, both were excited about the concept of an online business that focused on high ticket offers, being paid to be themselves and automation.
  • You’re a traditional business owner who desires multiple streams of income and time leverage
  • You’re a network marketer wanting to escape the hustle of low ticket and selling to your friends and family
  • You're a total newbie to the online space and want to learn how to create a high profit business, without being a slave to your phone
  • You're a coach or consultant sick of being on the launch hamster-wheel, forever on sales calls and seeking a more automated business
  • You’re a free spirited traveller who wants to work from anywhere and not have to sacrifice comfort for experience
  • You’re an impact driven soulpreneur who craves a business model that allows you to create real change in people's lives
  • You’re a parent craving the freedom to spend more time together as a family without having to worry about how you’re going to earn an income
  • You’re a traditional business owner who desires multiple streams of income and time leverage
  • You’re a network marketer wanting to escape the hustle of low ticket and selling to your friends and family
  • You're a total newbie to the online space and want to learn how to create a high profit business, without being a slave to your phone
  • You're a coach or consultant sick of being on the launch hamster-wheel, forever on sales calls and seeking a more automated business
  • You’re a free spirited traveller who wants to work from anywhere and not have to sacrifice comfort for experience
  • You’re an impact driven soulpreneur who craves a business model that allows you to create real change in people's lives
  • You’re a parent craving the freedom to spend more time together as a family without having to worry about how you’re going to earn an income


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